How LeanLaw Integrates with QuickBooks Online

Learn more about how LeanLaw integrates with QuickBooks: Invoices, Trust Accounts and the real-time financial health of your firm.

Fred Willerup avatar
Written by Fred Willerup
Updated over a week ago

LeanLaw was built with QuickBooks integration in mind. Our integration approach is to have your accounting data live entirely in QuickBooks and have a live connection to any data needed by LeanLaw. There is no “sync”, the data is just available and always up-to-date.

Invoices are created in LeanLaw and sent to QuickBooks for processing and payment. LeanLaw reads your QuickBooks settings and dynamically adjusts invoice format and content. This includes mapping product/service from QuickBooks to invoice line items and applying sales tax. You can also group invoice items in ways QuickBooks doesn’t easily, including one-click options for moving invoice line items to attachments with easy-to-read summaries on the invoice itself. 

Trust accounting is hard to set up and operate correctly. When you record a trust deposit with LeanLaw, it is a one-click operation and LeanLaw will set up the necessary accounts and transactions behind the scenes. LeanLaw also adds up-to-date trust balances to invoices. 

The bottom line is that as a lawyer you can leave QuickBooks to your accountant. The invoice balances, trust accounts, payments overdue will all be available from your LeanLaw dashboard and always up-to-date.

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